Mind Potential Workplace Psychology and Executive Coaching Services

Mental Health Workshops

One Hour Workshops

Burnout: Understanding and Combatting   

  • Introduction & Overview of burnout (10 minutes)
  • Understanding Burnout (10 minutes)
    • The three dimensions of burnout
    • Contemporary triggers of burnout
    • Personal and organizational consequences of burnout.
  • Framework for Addressing Burnout (20 minutes)
    • Dichotomy of Control (5 minutes)
    • View of External Events as Neutral (5 minutes)
    • Value of Reflection (5 minutes)
    • Endurance and Embracing Challenges (5 minutes)
  • Practical Strategies for Burnout Prevention (10 minutes)
  • Personal Action Planning (5 minutes)
  • Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)


Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and Enhancing

  • Introduction & overview of Emotional Intelligence (10 minutes)
  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence (10 minutes)
    • Significance of EI in personal and professional life
    • Challenges faced when one lacks EI
    • Benefits of combining EI with Stoic principles
  • Stoic Foundations for EI Enhancement (25 minutes)
    • A collection of strategies based on each of the five domains of EI
  • Practical Stoic Exercises for EI Growth (10 minutes)
  • Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)


Imposter Syndrome: Recognising and Overcoming

  • Introduction & overview of Impostor Syndrome (10 minutes)
  • Understanding Impostor Syndrome (10 minutes)
    • Signs and Symptoms
    • Impacts on Mental Health overall well-being.
    • Potential Causes
  • Stoic Foundations for Overcoming Impostor Syndrome (20 minutes)
    • Dichotomy of Control (5 minutes)
    • Stoic Reflection and Self-Awareness (5 minutes)
    • Mindfulness vs Mindlessness (5 minutes)
    • Valuing Internal versus External Validation (5 minutes)
  • Practical Exercises for Combating Impostor Syndrome (10 minutes)
  • Conclusion and Q&A (10 minutes)


Conflict Resolution: Understanding and Mastery

  • Introduction and Overview (10 minutes)
    • What it is and why it arises.
    • The significance of effective conflict resolution for personal and professional relationships.
  • Understanding Conflict (10 minutes)
    • Common causes of conflict
    • The negative impacts of unresolved conflict
    • Importance of proactive conflict resolution
  • Stoic Principles for Conflict Resolution (25 minutes)
    • Dichotomy of Control (6 minutes)
    • Empathy Building (6 minutes)
    • Perception and Judgment - Reframing (7 minutes)
    • Responding, Not Reacting (6 minutes)
      • Breathwork and mindfulness – “the art of the pause”
    • Practical Exercises for Conflict Resolution using Stoicism (10 minutes)
    • Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)


Time Management in the Modern World

  • Introduction (10 minutes)
    • Brief overview - importance and evolution over the years
    • Contemporary challenges to time management
    • Introducing framework to improved time management
  • Understanding Modern Time Management Challenges (10 minutes)
    • Putting challenges in a contemporary context, modern challenges
  • Stoic Principles for Modern Time Management (25 minutes)
    • Controlling the controllables
    • Application and Focus lens
    • Mindfulness in the Digital Age
    • Managing tech
  • Practical Exercises for Navigating Modern Time Challenges (10 minutes)
    • Prioritization, Boundaries, Balance etc
    • Gaining mental clarity
  • Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)


Half Day Workshops

Resilience and Wellbeing
Contemporary research suggests that the modern workplace is characterised by greater job insecurity, social disconnection, higher risks of job loss, higher demands on productivity with fewer resources and amounting in increased workplace stress. This represents a huge risk to employee mental health.

Research has demonstrated that resilience training increases personal resilience, enhances mental health & psychological functioning, improves performance and increases subjective well-being in employees.

Contact Mind Potential about our half-day Resilience workshop.

Taking Charge of Feedback
Conflict and sub-optimal workplace cultures are often the result of poorly delivered and poorly received feedback. Managers seek strategies to deliver feedback constructively and effectively, and in ways that maximise employee responses and minimise defensiveness and misunderstanding.

Research shows that approaching feedback conversations with a ‘Growth Mindset’ enables people to be more successful, more engaged and to enjoy more productive relationships at work. This workshop provides skills and knowledge to engage in performance management and professional development in a proactive and engaging way.

Contact Mind Potential about our half-day Taking Charge of Feedback workshop.

Mindfulness in the Workplace
Although workplaces feel increasing pressure to do so, the notion that multi-tasking leads to greater productivity is not supported by research. In fact, 'single-task focusing' is what our brains are designed to do best. Mindfulness leads to greater productivity and accuracy, through retraining the brain's preferred state. The consequent ‘flow’ effect enhances creativity and innovation. Research in neuroplasticity has shown that, with training, our brains can be re-trained to be more single task focused: this is what mindfulness is about.

Contact Mind Potential about our half-day Mindfulness workshop.

Developing a Coaching Mindset
Are we constrained by our genetics? Research on coaching suggests otherwise. Early Binet’s research on intelligence was premised on the idea of identifying at-risk students so they could be given the opportunity to ‘increase’ their IQ. Research by Carol Dweck has reignited and progressed these ideas.

In the workplace, we can be guilty of perceiving skills as traits, rather than abilities that can be nurtured. To do so, requires a coaching mindset which shifts our focus from the person to the process, enhancing motivation.

Contact Mind Potential about our half-day Coaching Mindset workshop.

Diversity and Inclusion
Research has shown that employees who think that their organisation is highly committed to, and supportive of diversity, and they feel highly included, are 80% more likely to agree that they work in a high performing organisation than if they perceive low support and commitment for diversity and low inclusion.

Complicating matters for organisations, is that even despite the best of intentions, humans are vulnerable to unconscious bias. Biases influence our decisions and interactions outside of conscious awareness, forces that may result in workplace exclusion.

Contact Mind Potential about our half-day Diversity and Inclusion workshop.


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